About Me

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I am 17 years old, live in Scotland, and love art, what more is there to say!

Saturday 27 October 2012

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Tuesday 14 August 2012

Believe in Yourself

I recently got my results for Advanced Higher Art, so I thought I would post my entire portfolio. The reason I didn't post it sooner is because I wasn't happy with it. I had been told by many teachers that it wasn't good enough to pass, and I might just get a C, which really knocked my confidence, I started painting and drawing less, and not believing in my self enough. I felt sick on the morning of result day, and was crying before I even opened them, but to my surprise I had gotten an A!  I actually had to get my mum and two sisters to double check. I was extremely happy and proud of myself asI had put in so much hard work and effort and I deserved it. So I hope you like my drawings/paintings/creations.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can. -Michael Korda

This was my first painting in Advanced Higher Art, and it ended up being the one I am most proud of.

My teacher HATED this one, he wanted me to get rid of it, but everyone around me told me the opposite. Teachers... what do they know eh?

My final creation was this collage, which took me only a couple of hours, and I had SOO much fun making it. This was my most carefree and adventurous sheet.

Saturday 2 June 2012

 I've been really busy with school, and art right now, so I have been neglecting my blog, but while I've been away, I was still taking photos, and here are some of my favourites. Hope you like them :)

Wednesday 4 April 2012

I recently went into my nearest town, and took some photographs. Photography is art too right? So i'm going to post a few of my favourite shots.


This man was sitting painting, and he looked so peaceful, I just had to capture it.

I've not been posting on this for a while, but it is because I have been SOOOO busy!! School is taking over right now haha. But now it is a holiday, so I can manage a few more posts. Here are a few paintings I have been doing while I have been away. They are for my Advanced Higher Art and Design course.
Enjoy :)


QOD:Whether I'm painting or not, I have this overweening interest in humanity. Even if I'm not working, I'm still analyzing people.

Friday 10 February 2012

It's a start...

New Sketchbook!

Yay, first proper blog post! I decided to treat myself to a new A3 sketch book, and a How to Draw book to get me started. The sketchbook was around £10 from artdiscount online, and the book (Giovanni Civardi) was off amazon for around £8. Its like with school revision, I go out and buy a tonne of stationary, pads and highlighters to get me excited for studying, it works for about 30 minutes then i'm bored... haha.  This on the other hand I didn't get bored of (yet!) , I am now sort of addicted to drawing a couple of drawings every night, I sometimes draw when I am watching the TV (90120, TVD, New Girl etc etc...) and other times in my bed.

I've starting drawing hands and feet as I know I find these hard to draw. In the pictures are my first few attempts, which could be better, but could also be a lot worse. If I keep practicing I hope I will improve. 
I have a week off school now so I should be doing a lot more in my fancy new sketch book (I painted the cover), and I will be sure to post it on here.

Quote of the day: "When I work, I work very fast, but preparing to work can take any length of time"- CY TWOMBLY
(so true) 

Saturday 28 January 2012

My favourite colour is red.

An introduction...

I have been wanting to start a blog for a while now but never got around to actually doing it. So here I am at 1:10 in the morning writing my first blog post.
All I knew when I started making this, was that I wanted to blog, but not a scoobie what to blog about. So I started thinking (never a good thing), what is the one thing I love and enjoy. The one thing I am truly passionate about? Art.
I am 17 ,and by no means an expert, but I have a bit of a talent, and it is something I will do for the rest of my life, whether its painting, collaging or simply sketching.
I am going to start making a portfolio for a course I want to apply for, and I will post pictures as I go along.
I am quite excited now! I want to start drawing straight away, but I can't as I need to sleep and I have a higher maths prelim in a couple of days (ahhhh!!!!)
This blog will properly start on the 10th of February, I think. We will see haha
Goodnight or should I say good morning ? Who knows... Speak soon.